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Men’s Haircuts Hairdressing Training in the Babicz Academy

Men’s Haircuts

A compendium of knowledge on barbering services. You’ll consciously create your own hair designs, we are here to provide you with all the tools necessary. Let us begin this new journey together, at the end of which your skills will reach the whole new level.

Szkolenie - Social Media Marketing Basics. Men’s Haircuts – level I
3 days

Social Media Marketing Basics. Men’s Haircuts – level I

Haircut geometry, social media in the hairdressing business.

During the training you will learn how to effectively run social media marketing to stand out from the competition, build your brand image and reach the right target group.

Shape is the foundation of men’s haircuts. Learning our techniques, you’ll be able to plan every haircut perfectly.

Szkolenie - Men’s Haircuts – level I
2 days

Men’s Haircuts – level I

Haircut geometry

Shape is the foundation of men’s haircuts. Learning our techniques, you’ll be able to plan every haircut perfectly.

Szkolenie - Men’s Haircuts – level II
2 days

Men’s Haircuts – level II

Shape analysis

You’ll learn corrective cutting techniques, which will allow you to achieve the perfect, personalized haircut.

Szkolenie - Men’s Haircuts – level III
2 days

Men’s Haircuts – level III


During this training, we will teach you how to shape the face via beard cutting and managing beard line, which will allow you to perform a personalized barbering services.

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